Day 4 post surgery- down the drain!

Day 4- I woke up this morning with a text from my husband telling me my surgeon had texted him telling me to call the office to check on my drains. I really appreciate that my surgeon gave my husband his cell number… Who does that these days? I called the office and made an appointment to have my drains removed. The rule of thumb with my doctor is to have less than 10cc in each drain in 12 hours and then you can have them out. Obviously I was in no hurry to get them out for a couple of reasons 1. I assume it’s not comfortable. 2. I don’t want to have to ride for an hour to dallas 3. If they are in there, whatever fluid is there has a place to go quicker than being absorbed.
(Ok it’s about to get real here- the point of this blog is me putting info out there so others know what to expect). I got ready to go to my appointment which consisted of me putting on a non sleep shirt and a bra for the first time in 4 days. I had just tried to use the restroom for the first time (#2) since Wed and it literally almost killed me.make sure you take a stool softener multiple times a day if you are on narcotics. On top of being clogged the constipation makes you feel like your brain is going to explode while trying to use the restroom. Needless to say this brought on a huge bout with nausea. I was able to take a soft an and lay on the bed for a few mins before we had to leave to go to the dr. The car trip entailed water, crackers, powerade, a cooler full of ice packs, a towel and my barf bucket. So glad I brought all of those things and even more glad I took the ice bags and water in with me… As once in the dr office I became severely nauseated as they took out the drains.
The drains- they took out the temporal drain first. They said it would not be comfortable… And it was not. It is very tight and there was a lot in there. You can feel it pulling through your head as it exits- but then it’s over and is the discomfort. Of course this through me into another “I’m gonna vomit or pass out” enter my ice packs and water. They took out the back drain which was no biggie at all. When the drains are removed it leaves a little hole, that leave open and you just put neosporan on it. I will go back on Friday to have the staples removed. My dad took me to the dr- mom had to go home and back to work (which I am sure just killed her)and Sean had to work too. The nurse said the healing looks good and I look like what they want their migraine patients to look like at this point in recovery. The word for that look? SEXY! image








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